Cream of the Crop 1
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Assembly Source File
356 lines
Title TSR Microsoft Mouse Driver - Full Version
;Author: G.B.Gustafson Feb 1992, gustafson@math.utah.edu.Internet.
;REFERENCE: Two similar mouse TSR programs exist:
; A similar but different TSR is in MENUMOUS.ASM sources from
; jmbj@whuts.ATT.COM (BITTMAN). It is located in archive MENUMOUS.ARC;
; see below for source directory on Internet.
; The MENUMOUS sources break when used with the BUF160_5.ZIP device
; driver that expands the keyboard buffer (it does work with the
; default keyboard buffer of length 17). The source below for the
; keyboard buffer stuffer works with the BUF160_5.ZIP driver.
; A shareware product called ARRMOUSE.ZIP is available on Internet
; anonymous FTP to wuarchive.wustl.edu in directory ~/mirrors/msdos.
; The author is Seth W. Comstock (Version 1.0, March 1990). It has
; some good features and should be investigated.
;USE: The importance of the sources is educational value:
; 1. A simple, useful TSR that hooks the 2fh interrupt vector.
; 2. A keyboard buffer routine for stuffing keys. It will work
; even if the keyboard buffer has been expanded.
; 3. Mouse driver example. Safe initialization and shutdown.
; See notes below on the event handler.
;MOUSE SENSITIVITY. A curious feature in mouse code is sensitivity to
;movement: settling down on a character is subject to much error. In the
;code below this problem is attacked.
; Ideally, the cursor should lock onto a line and not be bumped off
; easily as the cursor scans left and right. Further, up and down
; motion should lock the cursor onto a column. I should like to scan
; up and down columns of numbers with the mouse exactly as I do with
; the cursor keys. The code below is an attempt to realize these
; features that falls short of perfection.
;MOUSE DRIVER DEFAULTS. The TSR resets the mouse driver and but sets no
;defaults for the mouse controls: X,Y sensitivity, doubler. If the TSR
;is unloaded, then the mouse driver is again reset to disable the event
;handler hook.
;RELEASE TSR. This TSR contains code to detect its own presence.
;Furthermore, it contains code to release it from memory. The code was
;written following the ideas of Al Williams, "DOS 5: A Developers Guide",
;page 516 (M&T Books 1992).
; It is not safe to simply delete this TSR because of the mouse driver
; event handler initialization. However, you can issue a mouse driver
; reset and then it can be safely deleted by mark/release or resdel.
;WARRANTY. This source code carries no warranty. Its intended use is
;information. If you use it, then it was worth writing down: no
;permission is needed to copy and use this source. I repeat: this is not
;a software product, and it is serendipity if it happens to be useful.
;=========================Mouse Functions================================
;Mouse movement is mapped to cursor keys: up,down,left,right.
;Right button ==> Esc Key (ctrl-[, 27)
;Left button ==> Enter Key (ctrl-M, 13)
;Settings here are for Znix mouse with ballistics /m2 /fdefault.pro
;Other ballistics tried and all are acceptable: /m1, /m3, /m4.
;Also tested on Merit Mouse Z-1000 (like Znix /m4 no ballistics).
code segment
org 100h
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code
begin: jmp start
leftkey equ 4b00h
rightkey equ 4d00h
upkey equ 4800h
downkey equ 5000h
retkey equ 1c0dh
esckey equ 011bh
mouse equ 51 ;interrupt 33h
resetmousedriver equ 0 ;reset mouse driver
pressmouse equ 5 ;mouse button press status
mousemotion equ 11 ;mouse cursor motion
seteventhandler equ 12 ;set mask and event handler
setsensitivity equ 15 ;set horiz & vert sensitivity
setdoublespeed equ 19 ;set double-speed threshold
eventmask equ 0000000000001011b
;evenmask bits 0,1,4: movement, left & right press
horizontalsensitivity dw 8 ;8=default mickeys/8 pixels
verticalsensitivity dw 16 ;16=default mickeys/8 pixels
;Mouse driver resets to 8 and 16 respectively with function 00h.
;Merit and Znix both worked well with settings 8,16.
horizposition dw 0 ;store mouse cursor position X
vertposition dw 0 ;store mouse cursor position Y
mouseeventhandler proc far
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push ds ;ds=mouse driver data segment
push cs
pop ds ;cs=ds=TSR data segment
;Press Mouse supplies: BX=button status, CX=X mickeys, DX=Y mickeys.
; CX and DX are signed integers: up==+, right==+.
; Clears all button counts on each call.
mov ax,pressmouse ;get status of button press
mov bx,0 ;for left button
int mouse
and ax,1 ;Press left button?
jz check_rightbutton ;No? Then check right button.
mov cx,retkey ;Yes. Then plug in RETURN key.
call stuffbuffer ;near function call
mov ax,pressmouse ;get status of button press
mov bx,2 ;for right button
int mouse
and ax,2 ;press right button?
jz checkcursor ;No? Then check cursor keys.
mov cx,esckey ;Yes. Then plug in ESC key.
call stuffbuffer ;near function call
mov ax,mousemotion ;Has the mouse cursor moved?
int mouse
mov ax,horizposition ;save new horizontal position
add ax,cx ;cx=X coord supplied by mouse driver
mov horizposition,ax
cmp ax,0 ;Has the mouse cursor moved?
je motionvertical ;No change, then check vertical
jg motionhorizontal ;Make positive
not ax
mov bx,horizontalsensitivity
cmp ax,bx
jl motionvertical ;didn't move enough for a change
cmp horizposition,0
mov cx,rightkey
jg stuffit1 ;If positive, then stuff cursor Right
mov cx,leftkey
jmp stuffit2 ;Forget about vertical motion!
mov ax,vertposition ;save new vertical position
add ax,dx ;dx=Y coord supplied by mouse driver
mov vertposition,ax
cmp ax,0
je return ;no change, all done
jg testvertsens ;If positive, then stuff cursor Up
not ax
mov bx,verticalsensitivity
cmp ax,bx
jl return ;didn't move enough for a change
cmp vertposition,0
mov cx,downkey
jg stuffit2
mov cx,upkey
call manystuffbuffer ;stuff key CX into keyboard buffer
mov vertposition,0 ;reset vertical saved position
mov horizposition,0 ;reset horizontal saved position
pop ds
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mouseeventhandler endp
manystuffbuffer proc near
; AX=amount in mickeys mouse cursor has moved.
; BX=sensitivity in mickeys
; CX=key scan code to stuff into keyboard buffer
call stuffbuffer
sub ax,bx
cmp ax,bx ;Full moves only
jge manyloop
manystuffbuffer endp
stuffbuffer proc near
cli ;Prevent interrupts from stuffing buffer
push es ;typeahead buffer start at *[0040:0080]
push si ;and end at *[0040:0082].
push di ;At segment 40h and offset 01ah is
push bx
mov di,40h ;the offset into the typeahead buffer
mov es,di ;for the character at the head. At
mov bx,es:[1ch] ;segment 40h and offset 01ch is the
mov si,bx ;offset into the typeahead buffer for
add bx,2 ;the last character. The buffer is full
cmp bx,es:[1ah] ;if *[01ch]+2 == *[01ah].
je quit ;Full? Then don't add any more chars
cmp bx,es:[82h] ;Offset less than end of buffer?
jl isroom ;Yes. Then go ahead and stuff it.
mov bx,es:[80h] ;Else wrap around to buffer start
mov es:[si],cx ;CX=scan code to be stuffed
mov es:[1ch],bx ;BX=new offset to last buffer character
quit: pop bx
pop di
pop si
pop es
sti ;let other routines stuff the buffer
ret ;near return
stuffbuffer endp
; Code below is for detection of second install and removal of TSR
; Motivated by Al Williams recommendations p 516, "Dos 5: A developers
; Guide", M&T Books 1992.
old2fOFF dw 0 ;Save here offset and segment
old2fSEG dw 0 ;of old multiplex 2fh interrupt vector
SIG equ 0cah ;Signature of this TSR, user invented.
new2fINT: ;New 2fh interrupt goes here
cmp ah,SIG ;Is it service SIG?
jnz new2fIRET ;No, then vector to original 2fh loc.
cmp al,SIG+1 ;Is it service SIG+1?
jz remove ;Then remove TSR from memory.
mov al,255 ;Otherwise, return indicator -1
jmp dword ptr cs:[old2fOFF]
push ds
push es
push bx
push dx
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ax,352fh ;Is the present 2fh vector ours?
int 21h
cmp bx,offset new2fINT
mov al,1 ;Report bad remove
jnz removeEXIT ;Must be unchanged to remove
cli ;Looks Ok, let's reload 2fh vector
lds dx,dword ptr old2fOFF
mov ax,252fh ;Replace old 2fh vector
int 21h
mov ax,cs ;Now free TSR memory
mov es,ax ;Get PSP
mov ah,49h ;Free DOS alloc memory
int 21h ;Should return al==0
jc removeEXIT ;Error on carry
mov ax,0
pop dx
pop bx
pop es
pop ds
endresident label byte
;All resident code is above this point.
;All code below this point gets trashed by TSR exit.
;No unload of 100h PSP area.
;temporary strings
mesg1 db 'Mouse TSR already installed',13,10,
db 'Remove it from memory? [N]: ','$'
mesg2 db 13,10,'$'
mesg3 db 'Mouse TSR remains in memory','$'
mesg4 db 'TSR removed from memory','$'
mesg5 db 'Cannot remove TSR from memory','$'
mesg6 db 'Mouse device has no software driver','$'
mesg7 db 'Mouse TSR successfully installed','$'
printstring proc near
mov ah,9
int 21h
printstring endp
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,(SIG SHL 8)
int 2fh
cmp al,0ffh ;TSR loaded?
jne success ;No, tsr not loaded.
mov dx,offset mesg1 ; 'Mouse TSR already installed',13,10,
call printstring ; 'Remove it from memory? [N]: ','$'
mov ah,1 ;Read a key.
int 21h
push ax ;Then print cr/lf pair
mov dx,offset mesg2 ; 13,10,'$'
call printstring ; to the terminal
pop ax
and al,0dfh ;make key upper case
cmp al,'Y' ;and test for YES
mov dx,offset mesg3 ;'Mouse TSR remains in memory','$'
jne printandquit ;FAIL if key was not 'Y'
mov ax,resetmousedriver ;reset mouse driver to defaults
int mouse ;so mouse driver does not hang
mov ax,KILLTSR ;otherwise kill TSR
int 2fh ;using MUX interrupt
or al,al ;which returns zero if it worked
mov dx,offset mesg4 ;'TSR removed from memory','$'
jz printandquit
mov dx,offset mesg5 ;'Cannot remove TSR from memory','$'
jmp printandquit
mov ax,resetmousedriver ;reset mouse driver to defaults
int mouse
cmp ax,0 ;bx=number of buttons, not used yet
mov dx,offset mesg6 ; 'Mouse device has no software driver','$'
je printandquit ;exit if no mouse driver loaded
mov ax,cs ;Hook mouse driver to event handler
mov es,ax ;es=segment of event handler
mov dx,offset mouseeventhandler
mov ax,seteventhandler ;mouse driver function code
mov cx,eventmask ;signal mask for interrupt
int mouse
mov ax,352fh ;get DOS interrupt vector 2fh
int 21h
mov [old2fSEG],es ;save segment and offset
mov [old2fOFF],bx
mov es,cs:[2ch] ;es=environment segment
mov ah,49h ;free DOS alloc memory
int 21h
mov dx,offset mesg7 ; 'Mouse TSR successfully installed','$'
call printstring ;print a success message
mov ax,cs ;adjust to data segment
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset new2fINT ;install new 2fh interrupt vector
mov ax,252fh ;at routine "new2fINT" in this code seg
int 21h
mov dx,(endresident-begin+100h+15)/16
mov ax,3100h ;save resident code & exit.
int 21h
call printstring ;Print string ds:dx until '$' sentinel
mov ax,4ch ;Then normal exit to dos.
int 21h
code ends
end begin